We present a new approach to estimate precise long-term vertical land motion (VLM) based on double-differences of long tide gauge (TG) and short altimetry data. We identify and difference rates of pairs of highly correlated sea level records providing relative VLM estimates that are less dependent on record length and benefit from reduced uncertainty and mitigated biases (e.g. altimeter drift). This approach also overcomes the key limitation of previous techniques in that it is not geographically limited to semi-enclosed seas and can thus be applied to estimate VLM at TGs along any coast, provided data of sufficient quality are available.
Santamaria-Gomez, A., Gravelle, M., Woppelmann, G. Long-term vertical land motion from double-differenced tide gauge and satellite altimetry data,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 207-222.
Santamaria-Gomez, A., Gravelle, M., Woppelmann, G. .
Long-term vertical land motion from double-differenced tide gauge and satellite altimetry data.
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 207-222.
Santamaria-Gomez, A., Gravelle, M., Woppelmann, G. (2014)
Long-term vertical land motion from double-differenced tide gauge and satellite altimetry data,
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, с. 207-222
Santamaria-Gomez, A.,
Gravelle, M., &
Woppelmann, G.
Long-term vertical land motion from double-differenced tide gauge and satellite altimetry data. Journal of Geodesy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 88 (3), с. 207-222.