Св. 12-II, част II: Първа научно-приложна конференция с международно участие "СТОМАНОБЕТОННИ И ЗИДАНИ КОНСТРУКЦИИ - ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА"; 22-23 окт. 2015
Рез. на англ. ез.
Two types of existing masonry buildings in the sity of Nis are analyzed, providing a comparative analysis of their seismic response. The effects of different interventions on the structure for improving the seismic resistance of the considered building are analysed and appropriate recommendations are formulated.
Milosevic, V., Folic, R., Savic, J., Kostic, D. Structural analysis of conditions and possible upgrading of the seismic performances of masonry buildings with unreinforced walls,
, 2016, с. 89-98.
Milosevic, V., Folic, R., Savic, J., Kostic, D. .
Structural analysis of conditions and possible upgrading of the seismic performances of masonry buildings with unreinforced walls.
София: , 2016, с. 89-98.
Milosevic, V., Folic, R., Savic, J., Kostic, D. (2016)
Structural analysis of conditions and possible upgrading of the seismic performances of masonry buildings with unreinforced walls,
София: , с. 89-98
Milosevic, V.,
Folic, R.,
Savic, J., &
Kostic, D.
Structural analysis of conditions and possible upgrading of the seismic performances of masonry buildings with unreinforced walls. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: 48 (Св. 12-II), с. 89-98.