Т. 51. Бр. 6. Водоснабдяване, канализация и пречистване на води. Хидравлика и хидрология. Хидромелиорации. Хидротехника
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"Net irrigation requirements (NIR, mm) that fully satisfy crop development and yield formation are basic in irrigation systems design and management. Bulgarian practice usually adopts the irrigation scheduling developed by Zahariev et al. [1] that provide information on 31 crops and 97 irrigation regions (IR). Years, having probability of occurrence of an irrigation depth PI=10, PI=25 and PI=50%, are considered. To cope with climate uncertainties and drought aggravation, simulations are performed for unified Agro-Climatic AC regions under past (1950-1980) and present (1951 - 2004) weather conditions. In former studies the irrigation scheduling simulation WinISAREG model is calibrated for maize using data from long-term experiments carried out in fields of diverse soil, climate and management conditions. Optimum AC regions are defined on the grounds of average reference evapotranspiration totals for July August relative to the period 1951-2004 EToJul-Aug. Thus, EToJul-Aug serves as an indicator of regional NIR and IR unification into AC regions. The impacts of soil properties are characterised by total available soil water TAW, being "small" if TAW=116, "average" if 136
Popova, Z., Varlev, I., Ivanova, M., Dimitrov, E. Optimum Regional Irrigation Requirements under Changing Climate in Bulgaria,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 147 - 160.
Popova, Z., Varlev, I., Ivanova, M., Dimitrov, E. .
Optimum Regional Irrigation Requirements under Changing Climate in Bulgaria.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 147 - 160.
Popova, Z., Varlev, I., Ivanova, M., Dimitrov, E. (2018)
Optimum Regional Irrigation Requirements under Changing Climate in Bulgaria,
София: УАСГ, с. 147 - 160
Popova, Z.,
Varlev, I.,
Ivanova, M., &
Dimitrov, E.
Optimum Regional Irrigation Requirements under Changing Climate in Bulgaria. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 51 (бр. 6.), с. 147 - 160.