Objective evaluation of the capacity of a bridge to carry self-weight and traffic loads after an earthquake is essential for a safe and timely re-opening of the bridge. The ability of a bridge to function depends directly on the remaining capacity of the bridge columns to carry gravity and lateral loads. An experimental study on models of modern circular reinforced concrete bridge columns was performed to investigate the relationship between earthquake-induced damage in bridge columns and the capacity of the columns to carry axial load in a damaged condition.
Terzic, V., Stojadinovic, B. Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Axial Load Capacity of Circular Bridge Columns,
American concrete institute, 2015, с.23-34.
Terzic, V., Stojadinovic, B. .
Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Axial Load Capacity of Circular Bridge Columns.
: American concrete institute, 2015, с.23-34.
Terzic, V., Stojadinovic, B. (2015)
Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Axial Load Capacity of Circular Bridge Columns,
: American concrete institute, с.23-34
Terzic, V., & Stojadinovic, B.
Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Axial Load Capacity of Circular Bridge Columns. ACI Structural journal. American concrete institute 112 (1), с.23-34.