This paper aims to provide a rational approach to the concept of circumferential strain efficiency factor ???of circular concrete columns wrapped with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets. The variable ke reflects the reduction in the FRP hoop rupture strain observed in experiments, relative to the true rupture strain of the FRP material obtained from standard coupon tests or manufacturer datasheets. Currently, the ACI 440.2R-08 design guide uses a constant empirical ke factor of 0.55 for any column, regardless of geometric or mechanical properties.
Sadeghian, P., Fam, A. A Rational Approach toward Strain Efficiency Factor of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Wrapped Concrete Columns (with Appendix),
American concrete institute, 2014, с. 135-144.
Sadeghian, P., Fam, A. .
A Rational Approach toward Strain Efficiency Factor of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Wrapped Concrete Columns (with Appendix).
: American concrete institute, 2014, с. 135-144.
Sadeghian, P., Fam, A. (2014)
A Rational Approach toward Strain Efficiency Factor of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Wrapped Concrete Columns (with Appendix),
: American concrete institute, с. 135-144
Sadeghian, P., & Fam, A.
A Rational Approach toward Strain Efficiency Factor of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Wrapped Concrete Columns (with Appendix). ACI Structural journal. American concrete institute, 111 (1), с. 135-144.