Св. 12-II, част II: Първа научно-приложна конференция с международно участие "СТОМАНОБЕТОННИ И ЗИДАНИ КОНСТРУКЦИИ - ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА"; 22-23 окт. 2015
Рез. на англ. ез.
A numerical investigation is presented for the seismic response of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures, which have been damaged due to extreme actions and are seismically upgraded by using cable elements (tension-ties).
Karabinis, A., Liolios, A., Folic, B., Liolios, A. A computational approach for reinforced concrete structures strengthened by the ties under multiple earthquakes,
, 2016, с. 99-108.
Karabinis, A., Liolios, A., Folic, B., Liolios, A. .
A computational approach for reinforced concrete structures strengthened by the ties under multiple earthquakes.
София: , 2016, с. 99-108.
Karabinis, A., Liolios, A., Folic, B., Liolios, A. (2016)
A computational approach for reinforced concrete structures strengthened by the ties under multiple earthquakes,
София: , с. 99-108
Karabinis, A.,
Liolios, A.,
Folic, B., &
Liolios, A.
A computational approach for reinforced concrete structures strengthened by the ties under multiple earthquakes. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: 48 (Св. 12-II), с. 99-108.