Т. 57. бр. 1. Архитектура, строителство и геодезия. Рез. на бълг. ез.
"Sustainability aspects are becoming increasingly important in the successful planning of road construction projects. Particularly in the case of large projects, such as the system of public-private partnerships, concepts are required for both reducing CO2 emissions and making the greatest possible use of the road construction materials. The aim must be to create a quality infrastructure that is based as far as possible on the use of secondary raw materials and has the smallest possible CO2 footprint during manufacture and installation.
One way to achieve these goals is to design the so-called "foundation layers". These consist almost entirely of recycled building materials (RC-materials), which, if possible, accrue in the same project, are produced with as little primary energy as possible, and can be produced within the construction site environment. Cold construction methods with mobile central mixing plants are suitable for this purpose, which can produce paving mixtures based on
foamed bitumen that neither have a complete coating – as is the case with asphalt mixtures – nor do they have a rigid superstructure with the risk of reflection cracking due to extensive use of cement."
Hristov, B., Johannsen, K., Carreno, N. Reducing Resource Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Footprint Using Foundation Layers for Road Pavements,
УАСГ, 2024, с. 285 - 296.
Hristov, B., Johannsen, K., Carreno, N. .
Reducing Resource Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Footprint Using Foundation Layers for Road Pavements.
София: УАСГ, 2024, с. 285 - 296.
Hristov, B., Johannsen, K., Carreno, N. (2024)
Reducing Resource Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Footprint Using Foundation Layers for Road Pavements,
София: УАСГ, с. 285 - 296
Hristov, B.,
Johannsen, K., &
Carreno, N.
Reducing Resource Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Footprint Using Foundation Layers for Road Pavements. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 57 (бр. 1.), с. 285 - 296.