Т. 55. Бр.1. Архитектура, строителство и геодезия.
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"The paper presents a developed application that is Internet-based and uses online and inline resources. It is installed only with copying on a single web page and can work on a computer or laptop, as well as on mobile devices. HTML and CSS are used for developing the layout of the page, and the functionality is provided by JavaScript in combination with tiils for real-time locarion and navigation, which are available from the Mapbox platform."
Ilieva, T. Development of MARBOX GIS Application for Location and Pedestrian Navigation with Web Access from Computers and Mobile Devices,
УАСГ, 2022, с. 213 - 221.
Ilieva, T. .
Development of MARBOX GIS Application for Location and Pedestrian Navigation with Web Access from Computers and Mobile Devices.
София: УАСГ, 2022, с. 213 - 221.
Ilieva, T. (2022)
Development of MARBOX GIS Application for Location and Pedestrian Navigation with Web Access from Computers and Mobile Devices,
София: УАСГ, с. 213 - 221
Ilieva, T.
Development of MARBOX GIS Application for Location and Pedestrian Navigation with Web Access from Computers and Mobile Devices. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 55 (бр.1.), с. 213 - 221.