Т. 51. Бр. 6. Водоснабдяване, канализация и пречистване на води. Хидравлика и хидрология. Хидромелиорации. Хидротехника
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"By definition, heavy rain is a short-term intense rainfall event which can often cause high-intensity flooding problems in urban areas. The properties of heavy rain depend on geographic determinants according to which the sewer systems are designed. This paper features the collection of data on rainfall and their statistical processing. It points out the differences that may arise during registration and processing of heavy rain data. Located in the eastern, lowland part of the Republic of Croatia, the area of the city of Osijek was used as an example. In the period between 1999 and 2012, the monitoring took place at five locations within the inner city, while in years to follow the data were obtained from several surrounding measuring locations. While comparing the available data, what was observed were the characteristics of the local heavy rain, their occurrence by location, hydrographic forms, magnitude (quantity) of rain, and similar. The most commonly observed rainstorms in the area of Osijek were the episodes of rain (single, separated rain) in duration of 5 - 10 to 20 - 25 minutes, or less than 30 - 40 minutes respectively. The maximum magnitudes of 10-minute rainfalls were of 25 - 30 mm. In this century, the projected rainfall values with 2 - 10 year return period have been exceeded more than expected".
Maricic, S., Mijuskovic - Svetinovic, T., Matotek, J. Overview of Heavy Rain Data in Osijek,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 113 - 120.
Maricic, S., Mijuskovic - Svetinovic, T., Matotek, J..
Overview of Heavy Rain Data in Osijek.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 113 - 120.
Maricic, S., Mijuskovic - Svetinovic, T., Matotek, J. (2018)
Overview of Heavy Rain Data in Osijek,
София: УАСГ, с. 113 - 120
Maricic, S.,
Mijuskovic - Svetinovic, T. &
Matotek, J..
Overview of Heavy Rain Data in Osijek.
София: УАСГ. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. Бр. бр. 6.. 51. с. 113 - 120.