High-frequency variability of the ionosphere, or irregularities, constitutes the main threat for real-time precise positioning techniques based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements. Indeed, during periods of enhanced ionospheric variability, GNSS users in the field—who cannot verify the integrity of their measurements—will experience positioning errors that can reach several decimeters, while the nominal accuracy of the technique is cm-level. In the frame of this paper, a climatological analysis of irregularities over the European mid-latitude region is presented.
Wautelet, G., Warnant, R. Climatological study of ionospheric irregularities over the European mid-latitude sector with GPS,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 223-240.
Wautelet, G., Warnant, R. .
Climatological study of ionospheric irregularities over the European mid-latitude sector with GPS.
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 223-240.
Wautelet, G., Warnant, R. (2014)
Climatological study of ionospheric irregularities over the European mid-latitude sector with GPS,
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, с. 223-240
Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R.
Climatological study of ionospheric irregularities over the European mid-latitude sector with GPS. Journal of Geodesy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 88 (3), с. 223-240.