Т. 56. Бр. 1. Международна юбилейна научна конференция "80 години УАСГ".
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is an appropriate tool for prioritization of investments for reconstruction and modernization (R&M) of irrigation infrastructure, considering different aspects of the investments. The funds for R&M included as a sub-measure of Rural. Development Programme 2014 – 2020 were not sufficient for the needs of all 223 Irrigation Systems (ISs) in the country and the problem of most efficient allocation of the funds appear.
MCA is suitable for solving complex problems, including both quantitative and qualitative features. This study is a review on the approach to selecting the criteria for MCA. Four main criteria for MCA are proposed in this study – Technical, Economic, Environmental and Social, each one of them comprising multiple sub-criteria. The study is focused on the criterion selection and the importance of including sub-criteria in MCA. A Simple Additive Weighting
(SAW) MCA approach is used. Forty scenarios of different combinations of weighting factors for the main criteria and their sub-criteria are investigated. Estimates are performed for all 223 ISs in Bulgaria and the first fifty suitable schemes for R&M are determined. A Geographic Information System (GIS) overlay analysis was performed in parallel, and the results of the
study are presented on a map."
Mechkarova, S. Importance of Sub-Criteria in MCA for Prioritization of Investments for Reconstruction and Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure in Bulgaria,
УАСГ, 2023, с. 207 - 224.
Mechkarova, S. .
Importance of Sub-Criteria in MCA for Prioritization of Investments for Reconstruction and Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure in Bulgaria.
София: УАСГ, 2023, с. 207 - 224.
Mechkarova, S. (2023)
Importance of Sub-Criteria in MCA for Prioritization of Investments for Reconstruction and Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure in Bulgaria,
София: УАСГ, с. 207 - 224
Mechkarova, S.
Importance of Sub-Criteria in MCA for Prioritization of Investments for Reconstruction and Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure in Bulgaria. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 56 (бр. 1.), с. 207 - 224.