al., e. Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Experiment, modelling and computer analysis,
E & FN Spon, 1994, XIV, 648 p. : ill., 0-419-19280-8.
al., e. .
Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Experiment, modelling and computer analysis.
London: E & FN Spon, 1994, XIV, 648 p. : ill., 0-419-19280-8.
al., e. (1994)
Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Experiment, modelling and computer analysis,
London: E & FN Spon, XIV, 648 p. : ill., 0-419-19280-8
al., e.
Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Experiment, modelling and computer analysis. US - Europe Workshop on Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Prague, 1994, 21 - 23 September. London: E & FN Spon XIV, 648 p. : ill..