Т. 51. Бр. 6. Водоснабдяване, канализация и пречистване на води. Хидравлика и хидрология. Хидромелиорации. Хидротехника
Рез. на бълг. ез
"Based on review of some methodologies for seismic risk evaluation in Europe and the USA certain models for assessment of damages in wastewater systems in Bulgaria are chosen.
Relevant classifications of the system components are analyzed in view of available data in the country. The application of the chosen models is illustrated and results are discussed."
Kaneva, A., Vatralova, A. Seismic Risk Assessment of Elements of the Technical Infrastructure - Wastewater,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 83 - 91.
Kaneva, A., Vatralova, A. .
Seismic Risk Assessment of Elements of the Technical Infrastructure - Wastewater.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 83 - 91.
Kaneva, A., Vatralova, A. (2018)
Seismic Risk Assessment of Elements of the Technical Infrastructure - Wastewater,
София: УАСГ, с. 83 - 91
Kaneva, A., & Vatralova, A.
Seismic Risk Assessment of Elements of the Technical Infrastructure - Wastewater. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 51 (бр. 6.), с. 83 - 91.