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Каталог "Статии" | Сборник

Impact of Hydrological Hazards on the Ecological Status of Rivers According to the EU-WFD

Осми българо-австрийски семинар "Хидроложки опасности и свързаните с тях проблеми", 30 – 31 май 2019
I. Schnauder
ЦБ II 544


Годишник на УАСГ
Година на издаване
с. S1467-S1478
Ключови думи
European Water Framework Directive (EU), ecological quality components, environmental impact, disturbance of aquatic ecosystems, resilience of aquatic ecosystems
Общ отдел. Наука. Библ. дело. Енциклопедии
Бр. S1
Hydrological hazards have a dynamic impact on the fluxes of matter in rivers – including water, sediments, particulate or solute contaminants. Whenever the fluxes change due to such disturbances, both the physical and biological river systems develop towards new equilibrium conditions. It is obvious that hydrological hazards potentially affect the biological, physical and chemical quality components of rivers and thus their ecological status according to the EUWFD (EU Water Framework Directive). However, the parameter assessment and evaluation methods within the EU-WFD are not specifically targeting hazardous events, disturbances or alternate equilibrium regimes. To give an overview and to introduce the ecological perspective on hydrological hazards, we give a summary of the actual ecological status of rivers in Austria and the main requirements for achieving the EU-WFD goals. Further, we will deduce near-future challenges to the EU-WFD due to expected climatic changes and weather extremes. If such challenges may be handled, the Austrian way of implementation of the EU-WFD will be reviewed based on the national guidelines for evaluating the biological quality components.
Системен №
