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Hydrological Hazard Assessment by Index Methods in Eastern Slovakia

Осми българо-австрийски семинар "Хидроложки опасности и свързаните с тях проблеми", 30 – 31 май 2019
M. Zelenakova; T. Solakova; P. Purcz; H. Hlavata; D. Simonova
ЦБ II 544


Годишник на УАСГ
Година на издаване
с. S1413-1422
Ключови думи
standard saturation concentration, standard streamflow index,, drought
Общ отдел. Наука. Библ. дело. Енциклопедии
The paper presents two indexes for the classification and space - temporal modelling of drought historical events during the year 1972 to 2014 in 7 gauging stations localized in the eastern part of Slovakia. Two different types of drought, namely: I) the meteorological drought is detected by SPI Standardized precipitation index - computed from monthly precipitations and II) the hydrological drought is detected by SSI - Standardized streamflow index - computed from monthly streamflow time's series. These two indexes have the same mathematical background and can by computed by non-parametric approach as well as parametrical approach. As case study we have considered seven monthly time series, 43 years long, in gauging stations namely: Bardejov, ?erven? Kl??tor, Humenn?, I?kovce, Medzev, Svidn?k a ?diar for streamflow river stations: Bardejov, ?erven? Kl??tor, Kamenica nad Cirochou, Vysok? nad Uhom, ?t?s, Tisinec and Skalnat? Pleso for precipitation, both in the period 1972 - 2014. The main contribution of this work is to reveal the temporal vulnerability of the studied area to drought and representation of results that could be used for monitoring, minimized future negative effects and managed with water resources in studied river basins.
Системен №
