We would like to thank Dr. Crouse for taking sufficient interest in our paper so as to correctly and independently detect the typographical error in the initial (un-numbered) equation of Holmes and Featherstone (2002). We also thank him for agreeing to incorporate our own additional corrections into his comment, these being the superfluous modulus symbols that encompass many of the Legendre terms.
Featherstone, W., Holmes, S. Response to comments on “Short Note: Extending simplified high-degree synthesis methods to second latitudinal derivatives of geopotential”,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 1009.
Featherstone, W., Holmes, S. .
Response to comments on “Short Note: Extending simplified high-degree synthesis methods to second latitudinal derivatives of geopotential”.
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 1009.
Featherstone, W., Holmes, S. (2014)
Response to comments on “Short Note: Extending simplified high-degree synthesis methods to second latitudinal derivatives of geopotential”,
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, с. 1009
Featherstone, W., & Holmes, S.
Response to comments on “Short Note: Extending simplified high-degree synthesis methods to second latitudinal derivatives of geopotential”. Journal of Geodesy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 88 (10), с. 1009.