"This paper summarizes the developed 3D printing (3DP) processes in the Building Architecture Fields, commonly known as Additive Manufacturing of Concrete (AMoC), and examines the advantages and challenges vs the current traditional building. AM is an innovative building and construction (B&C) method, still in its infancy but being developed and improved continuously."
Talyosef, O. Building Automation Revolution,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 197 - 207.
Talyosef, O. .
Building Automation Revolution.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 197 - 207.
Talyosef, O. (2018)
Building Automation Revolution,
София: УАСГ, с. 197 - 207
Talyosef, O.
Building Automation Revolution. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 51 (бр. 8), с. 197 - 207.