Т. 55. Бр.1. Архитектура, строителство и геодезия.
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"In order to investigate the laws of accumullation of the differences between two independent measurements in precise levelling, four lines which cross the Balkan Mountains have been analyzed. These lines are part of the Third Levelling of Bulgaria. By using simple graphical visualization techniques, an attempt is made to illustrate the relationship between the square root of the levelling length and the accumulated discrepancies along the lines.Analyzing the above-mentioned lines, an almost functional relationship between the heaping up of the double differences and the absolute values of the measured elevations in established."
Cvetkov, V. Accumulation of the Discrepancies [D] along the Balkan Mountains Crossing Lines 26, 31,35,37 in the Third Levelling of Bulgaria,
УАСГ, 2022, с. 203 - 211.
Cvetkov, V. .
Accumulation of the Discrepancies [D] along the Balkan Mountains Crossing Lines 26, 31,35,37 in the Third Levelling of Bulgaria.
София: УАСГ, 2022, с. 203 - 211.
Cvetkov, V. (2022)
Accumulation of the Discrepancies [D] along the Balkan Mountains Crossing Lines 26, 31,35,37 in the Third Levelling of Bulgaria,
София: УАСГ, с. 203 - 211
Cvetkov, V.
Accumulation of the Discrepancies [D] along the Balkan Mountains Crossing Lines 26, 31,35,37 in the Third Levelling of Bulgaria. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 55 (бр. 1.), с. 203 - 211.