Т. 56. Бр. 2. Международна юбилейна научна конференция "80 години УАСГ".
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The relevance of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is apparent in today's construction industry. Benefits of implementing BIM has been identified as real-time integration of changes throughout the model which appears both graphically in the views and numerical data in the schedule, which in turn leads to more accurate budget and cost predictions. Given these benefits, it is imperative that educational institutions start integrating BIM into their curriculum to prepare future practitioners. It can be concluded that BIM's promise to improve construction practices lies in its capability to facilitate direct inter-disciplinary collaboration throughout the design process. Furthermore, it also demands project team members to have a better understanding of a building's components, as unlike conventional 3D models, the components pertain actual as built construction information. It is crucial then that introductory courses on BIM in school stresses the importance of students having good fundamentals of designing and modeling in BIM, before proceeding to the collaborative aspect of BIM. This paper seeks to evaluate and share experience in conducting the first BIM course in architectural school, as well as exploring ways in which BIM can be further extended and integrated into inter-departmental courses.
Integration course of building information modeling (BIM) into design curriculum in Sudan,
УАСГ, 2023, с. 449 - 457.
Integration course of building information modeling (BIM) into design curriculum in Sudan.
София: УАСГ, 2023, с. 449 - 457.
Integration course of building information modeling (BIM) into design curriculum in Sudan,
София: УАСГ, с. 449 - 457
Integration course of building information modeling (BIM) into design curriculum in Sudan. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ, 56 (бр. 2.), с. 449 - 457.