"Various global and arc-dependent parameters are estimated by analyzing Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data of the geodynamic satellites Lageos 1 for the period April 1984 - December 2011 and Lageos 2 for the period January 1993 - December 2011. The SLR data are collected from 113 globally distributed stations and are processed and analyzed with SLRP (Satellite Laser Ranging Processor) software developed in the Department of Geodesy of the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography. The estimated global parameters include coordinates of all tracking stations and velocities of 98 of them. The site velocities are used to determine the motion of the global tectonic plates applying the Euler's model. The angular velocities and the rotation poles of Eurasian, North American, South American, African, Australian and Pacific plates are determined and compared with other solutions."
Chapanov, Y., Georgiev, I., Atanasova, M. Global Tectonic Plate Motions from SLR Data Processing,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 100 - 114.
Chapanov, Y., Georgiev, I., Atanasova, M. .
Global Tectonic Plate Motions from SLR Data Processing.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 100 - 114.
Chapanov, Y., Georgiev, I., Atanasova, M. (2018)
Global Tectonic Plate Motions from SLR Data Processing,
София: УАСГ, с. 100 - 114
Chapanov, Y.,
Georgiev, I., &
Atanasova, M.
Global Tectonic Plate Motions from SLR Data Processing. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 51 (бр. 9), с. 100 - 114.