Т. 51. Бр. 6. Водоснабдяване, канализация и пречистване на води. Хидравлика и хидрология. Хидромелиорации. Хидротехника
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"The water demand in rural communities has a considerable variation during the daytime. Consequently the water distribution network operation has to comply with this variation in order to assure comfort to the inhabitants, at an affordable price of the pumped water. EPANET software makes possible the numerical simulation of small water distribution networks operation under different settings and configurations, easily performing a complete hydraulic analysis of the system. Numerical simulation performed on the water distribution system of a small village of 2500 inhabitants, placed in Constanta County, returned the field of pressure and velocity at different moments of the day, making possible the optimization of the technical parameters of the water network. Considering the same standard pattern for the demand flow rate, stipulated by the technical design regulations, the use of variable speed pumps instead of constant speed ones leads to an average energy saving of more than 0,10 kWh?m3 ."
Nitescu, C., Constantin, A. Numerical Simulation of a Small Water Distribution Network Operation,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 9 - 17.
Nitescu, C., Constantin, A. .
Numerical Simulation of a Small Water Distribution Network Operation.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 9 - 17.
Nitescu, C., Constantin, A. (2018)
Numerical Simulation of a Small Water Distribution Network Operation,
София: УАСГ, с. 9 - 17
Nitescu, C., & Constantin, A.
Numerical Simulation of a Small Water Distribution Network Operation. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСГ 51 (бр. 6.), с. 9 - 17.