Т. 56. Бр. 3. Международна юбилейна научна конференция "80 години УАСГ".
Рез. на бълг. ез.
"A newly designed RC framed system building designed to Eurocode high-class ductility (DCH) is numerically investigated to assess its earthquake performance. The capacity curves obtained by non-linear static pushover analysis for different lateral load arrangements are compared to the initial response spectrum solution also to estimate the structural seismic
overstrength ratio. The structural seismic performance assessment is based on an adopted floor damage index. The presented approach can be used as а pattern for evaluation of overstrength factor and seismic performance assessment. The results are indicative regarding low and
midrise RC framed structures designed to Eurocode high ductility class (DCH)."
Kardjiev, V., Boshnakov, K. Seismic Performance Assessment of Rc Framed System Building Designed to Eurocode High Class Ductility,
УАСг, 2023, с. 1263 - 1276.
Kardjiev, V., Boshnakov, K. .
Seismic Performance Assessment of Rc Framed System Building Designed to Eurocode High Class Ductility.
София: УАСг, 2023, с. 1263 - 1276.
Kardjiev, V., Boshnakov, K. (2023)
Seismic Performance Assessment of Rc Framed System Building Designed to Eurocode High Class Ductility,
София: УАСг, с. 1263 - 1276
Kardjiev, V., & Boshnakov, K.
Seismic Performance Assessment of Rc Framed System Building Designed to Eurocode High Class Ductility. Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - УАСГ. София: УАСг 56 (бр.3.), с. 1263 - 1276.