, M. Structural Optimization for axisymmetric Shells of Revolution Structures by Finite Element Method,
, 2018, XVIII, 155 л. : с ил., фиг., табл..
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Structural Optimization for axisymmetric Shells of Revolution Structures by Finite Element Method.
Sofia: , 2018, XVIII, 155 л. : с ил., фиг., табл..
, M. (2018)
Structural Optimization for axisymmetric Shells of Revolution Structures by Finite Element Method,
Sofia: , XVIII, 155 л. : с ил., фиг., табл.
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Structural Optimization for axisymmetric Shells of Revolution Structures by Finite Element Method. Thesis. Sofia: XVIII, 155 л. : с ил., фиг., табл..