Jorrand, P. Artificial Intelligence II. Methodology, Systems, Applications,
Notrh-Holland, 1987, 403 p. ill., 0-444-70205-9.
Jorrand, P. .
Artificial Intelligence II. Methodology, Systems, Applications.
Amsterdam: Notrh-Holland, 1987, 403 p. ill., 0-444-70205-9.
Jorrand, P. (1987)
Artificial Intelligence II. Methodology, Systems, Applications,
Amsterdam: Notrh-Holland, 403 p. ill., 0-444-70205-9
Jorrand, P.
Artificial Intelligence II. Methodology, Systems, Applications. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on ...(AIMSA'86) Varna, Bulgaria, 16-19 September, 1986. Amsterdam: Notrh-Holland 403 p. ill..