Tvergaard, V., Richelsen, A. Dilatant plasticity or upper bound estimates for porous ductile solids,
The Technical Univ. of Denmark, 1993, 31 p..
Tvergaard, V., Richelsen, A. .
Dilatant plasticity or upper bound estimates for porous ductile solids.
Lyngby: The Technical Univ. of Denmark, 1993, 31 p..
Tvergaard, V., Richelsen, A. (1993)
Dilatant plasticity or upper bound estimates for porous ductile solids,
Lyngby: The Technical Univ. of Denmark, 31 p.
Tvergaard, V., & Richelsen, A.
Dilatant plasticity or upper bound estimates for porous ductile solids. Monogr. Lyngby: The Technical Univ. of Denmark 31 p..