Applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment
Proccedings of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and the American Institute of Chemical Enguneers, Nashville, September 18-22. 1972
al., e., Eckenfelder, W. Applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment,
Pergamon Press, 1972, 392 p. ill., 0-08-017243-1.
al., e., Eckenfelder, W. .
Applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment.
New York: Pergamon Press, 1972, 392 p. ill., 0-08-017243-1.
al., e., Eckenfelder, W. (1972)
Applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment,
New York: Pergamon Press, 392 p. ill., 0-08-017243-1
al., e., & Eckenfelder, W.
Applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment. Proccedings of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and the American Institute of Chemical Enguneers, Nashville, September 18-22. 1972. New York: Pergamon Press 392 p. ill..