Bartos, P. Special Concretes Workability and Mixing,
E & FN Spon, 1994, 270 p., 0-419-18870-3.
Bartos, P. .
Special Concretes Workability and Mixing.
London etc.: E & FN Spon, 1994, 270 p., 0-419-18870-3.
Bartos, P. (1994)
Special Concretes Workability and Mixing,
London etc.: E & FN Spon, 270 p., 0-419-18870-3
Bartos, P.
Special Concretes Workability and Mixing. Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop organized by RILEM Technical Commitee TC 145, Paisley, Scotland 2-3 March 1993. London etc.: E & FN Spon 270 p..