Т. 51. Бр. 5. Технология, организация и икономика на строителството. Строителни материали и изолации. Автоматизация на инженерния труд.
"Influence of the use of catalytic cracking catalyst waste on the properties of building ceramics and expanded clay concrete (density, compressive strength, water absorption, porosity) is analysed in the paper. The work contains description of raw materials of building ceramics and expanded clay concrete and the catalyst waste characteristics. The physical and mechanical properties of building ceramics and expanded clay concrete samples are also presented. Phase analysis of burned ceramic samples and expanded clay concrete was carried out by the method of X-ray diffraction. Technogenic raw material - used catalyst may be utilised in the building ceramics and expanded clay lightweight concrete production have been determined. About 10% of milled catalyst waste may be applied to the formation mix."
Vaiciene, Marija, Malaiskiene, Jurgita, Kazimevic, Olga Influence of Catalyst Waste on Ceramics and Expanded Clay Lightweight Concrete Properties,
УАСГ, 2018, с. 147 - 161.
Vaiciene, Marija, Malaiskiene, Jurgita, Kazimevic, Olga.
Influence of Catalyst Waste on Ceramics and Expanded Clay Lightweight Concrete Properties.
София: УАСГ, 2018, с. 147 - 161.
Vaiciene, Marija, Malaiskiene, Jurgita, Kazimevic, Olga (2018)
Influence of Catalyst Waste on Ceramics and Expanded Clay Lightweight Concrete Properties,
София: УАСГ, с. 147 - 161
Vaiciene, Marija & Malaiskiene, Jurgita & Kazimevic, Olga.
Influence of Catalyst Waste on Ceramics and Expanded Clay Lightweight Concrete Properties.
София: УАСГ. с. 147 - 161.