A realization of a height system covering the south of Norway has been performed, based on least-squares collocation applied to differences between geometric and gravimetric quasigeoid heights, inhomogeneous and isotropic covariance modelling, and without prior information on the error sources of the involved data types.
Mysen, E. On the computation of reliable formal uncertainties in the densification of GPS-levelling networks by least-squares collocation,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 917 - 926.
Mysen, E. .
On the computation of reliable formal uncertainties in the densification of GPS-levelling networks by least-squares collocation.
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, с. 917 - 926.
Mysen, E. (2014)
On the computation of reliable formal uncertainties in the densification of GPS-levelling networks by least-squares collocation,
: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, с. 917 - 926
Mysen, E.
On the computation of reliable formal uncertainties in the densification of GPS-levelling networks by least-squares collocation. Journal of Geodesy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 88 (10), с. 917 - 926.