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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Reducing the draconitic errors in GNSS geodetic products
C. Rodriguez-Solano; U. Hugentobler; P. Steigenberger; Mathias Fritsche

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Homogeneous reprocessing of GPS, GLONASS and SLR observations
Mathias Fritsche; Krzysztof Sosnica; Carlos Rodri'guez-Solano; P. Steigenberger; Kan Wang; Reinhard Dietrich; Rolf Dach; Urs Hugentobler; Markus Rothacher

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ЦБ II 1576
ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Precise station positions from VLBI observations to satellites: a simulation study
Lucia Plank; Johannes Boеhm; Harald Schuh

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Self-consistent treatment of tidal variations in the geocenter for precise orbit determination
Shailen Desai; Willy Bertiger; Bruce Haines

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
GOCE: precise orbit determination for the entire mission
Heike Bock; Adrian Jaeggi; Gerhard Beutler; Ulrich Meyer

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Detecting discontinuities in GNSS coordinate time series with STARS: case study, the Bologna and Medicina GPS sites
S. Bruni; Susanna Zerbini; F. Raicich; M. Errico; E. Santi

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
The effects of frequency-dependent quasar variability on the celestial reference frame
Stanislav Shabala; Rogersр G.; Jamie McCallum; Oleg Titov; Jay Blanchard; James Lovell; Christopher Watson

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Non-linear motions of Australian geodetic stations induced by non-tidal ocean loading and the passage of tropical cyclones
A. Memin; Christopher Watson; I. Haigh; L. MacPherson; P Tregoning

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
An enhanced strategy for GNSS data processing of massive networks
Hua Chen; Weiping Jiang; Maorong Ge; Jens Wickert; Harald Schuh

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Variance component estimation uncertainty for unbalanced data: application to a continent-wide vertical datum
M. Filmer; W. Featherstone; S. Claessens

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Contemporary deformation in the Kashmir–Himachal, Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya: significant insights from 1995–2008 GPS time series
Sridevi Jade; Malay Mukul; V. Gaur; Kireet Kumar; T. Shrungeshwar; G. Satyal; Rakesh Dumka

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Rescue of the historical sea level record of Marseille (France) from 1885 to 1988 and its extension back to 1849–1851
Guy Woppelmann; M. Marcos; A. Coulomb; B. Miguez; P. Bonnetain; C. Boucher; Mederic Gravelle; B. Simon; P. Tiphaneau

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Статии" | Списание
Vertical displacement rates in the Upper Rhine Graben area derived from precise leveling
Thomas Fuhrmann; Malte Westerhaus; Karl Zippelt; Bernhard Heck

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ЦБ II 1576
Каталог "Периодика" | Списание
Journal of Geodesy
Continuation of Bulletin Geodesique and manuscripta geodaetica

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